Xilofon metalic cromatic – Lamele bicolore – 2 octave pline – Sopran, 27 note – Cadru lemn

216,50  lei
Acest Glockenspiel cromatic este echipat cu 27 de lamele sonore metalice și este modelat după claviatura unui pian. Acoperă 2…

Xilofon metalic – Lamele monocolor – Sopran, 12 note + 3 note suplimentare – Cadru lemn

178,50  lei
Xilofin şcolar cu 15 lamele sonore de înaltă calitate (metal) . Oferă o diversitate şi mai mare a sunetelor muzicale.…

Xilofon metalic – Lamele color – Sopran, 11 note + 2 note suplimentare

182,95  lei
Cu cele 13 lamele sonore din metal ale acestui xilofon şcolar, poate fi explorată diversitatea sunetelor muzicale. Culorile plăcilor de…

Bells Support Materials Set – Montessori Nienhuis

523,29  lei
A complete set of printed cards, labels, control strips and control booklets for use with the book ‘Sensorial Exploration and…

Bells Music Signs And Notes (German version) – Montessori Nienhuis

1.073,59  lei

Bells Staff Board – Montessori Nienhuis

254,93  lei
An individual staff board for the first exercises of notation.

Bells Music Signs And Notes – Montessori Nienhuis

1.124,74  lei
Material used for exercises in notation and composition. Supplied in a set of wooden boxes.

Bells Staff Boards Set – Montessori Nienhuis

342,57  lei
A set of a staff boards for the further exercises of notation.

2 Bells Mounted: High C – Montessori Nienhuis

851,48  lei

Musical Instruments 3 Part Cards – Montessori Nienhuis

269,91  lei
64 cards showing 32 real photographs of instruments used to make up an orchestra. Each instrument is isolated on a…

Bells Keyboards – Montessori Nienhuis

410,37  lei
2 color-coded keyboards upon which to arrange the bells in chromatic order.

Bells Music Strip Boards – Montessori Nienhuis

1.107,91  lei
16 boards used for exercises in reading and playing groups of notes.

Musical Instruments Matching Cards – Montessori Nienhuis

269,91  lei
Each picture has the subject isolated on a white background, with real pictures that show every detail, these 4 cards…

2 Bells Mounted: F – Montessori Nienhuis

851,48  lei

2 Bells Mounted: B Flat – Montessori Nienhuis

851,48  lei

2 Bells Mounted: B – Montessori Nienhuis

851,48  lei

2 Bells Mounted: C Sharp – Montessori Nienhuis

851,48  lei

2 Bells Mounted: D Sharp – Montessori Nienhuis

851,48  lei

2 Bells Mounted: A – Montessori Nienhuis

851,48  lei

2 Bells Mounted: D – Montessori Nienhuis

851,48  lei

2 Bells Mounted: Low C – Montessori Nienhuis

851,48  lei